What to do With a Stray Dog

ByLauren Jeffries
Last updatedJan 15, 2024
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Key takeaways

It is difficult to know what to do when you find a stray dog. Often, they may be injured or sick.

First, you need to assess whether they are dangerous or not and whether they belong to anyone.

Then, you need to take action and call the relevant organizations that can safely provide the care and support the dog needs.

We detail exactly how to navigate this situation before exploring whether you can keep a stray dog.

Quick Navigation

  1. Key takeaways
  2. Are stray dogs dangerous?
  3. What to do when you've found a stray dog
  4. Can you keep a stray dog?
  5. FAQs
  6. Conclusion

Are stray dogs dangerous?

It's some people's dream to stumble across a cute stray pup. However, believe it or not, even the cutest dogs can be dangerous, and it's important you keep your wits about you.

Pet or not?

It's fairly easy to tell whether a stray dog is likely to be dangerous or not. First, you need to establish whether it is a lost pet or truly a stray.
Some indicators include:

They are wearing an ID tag

They are wearing a collar

They look well groomed

They look healthy

If they have a shiny, thick coat, then they are likely well looked after and likely a pet that's gone wandering. This means they are more likely to be safe to approach. However, even pets can be aggressive, so there's more to consider.
A healthy looking labrador in the woods

Body language

Whether the dog is a pet or not, you can quite often assess whether they are safe to approach by their body language.
A calm dog will show the following:

Relaxed body posture

Ears in their natural position

Wagging tail

Mouth is open and relaxed

Three examples of a happy dog's body language
An angry or unhappy dog will show the following:

Stiff body

Ears are up

Hair raised

Tail between the legs

Teeth showing

Three examples of an angry dog's body language


So, now you've determined whether they are a happy or angry dog, there's one more thing to consider. Unfortunately, many stray dogs can carry diseases that can be passed on to humans through contact.
The most dangerous that most people have heard of is rabies. This is only present in some countries, so it's worth checking whether this is relevant where you live.
If there is a possibility that the stray dog may carry rabies, we strongly advise you not to make contact. Over 99% of rabies cases in people come from dog bites (source).
Other issues are normally bacterial infections. If you do decide to touch or make contact with the stray dog, take the following precautions:

Don't touch your face after touching the dog

Wash your hands thoroughly after making contact

Don't have prolonged contact

A dog stood next to a toxic puddle

If there is a possibility that the stray dog may carry rabies, we strongly advise you not to make contact. Over 99% of rabies cases in people come from dog bites.

What to do when you've found a stray dog

When you find a stray dog, you should remain cautious but also try to help them. This doesn't mean approaching them directly but instead contacting those who can help.

1. Stay safe

Use the information above to make an informed decision on whether you should approach the dog or not.
It's also important to consider your environment. If you spot a dog on the side of a busy road, take care to find somewhere appropriate to stop and stay far away from the road.

2. Contact local animal control

The first and most important step is to contact animal control. Most areas will have a local dog warden whose job is to monitor the local area for stray animals and make sure any stray dogs are cared for and taken to the local shelter.
These experts will be able to control the situation safely, even if the stray dog is behaving aggressively. If they can't get to you straight away, they will be able to advise you over the phone about your next steps.
Once the pet is taken to an animal rescue shelter, the following will happen:

They will have the animal scanned for a microchip to check if they were once a pet

A veterinarian will check the stray animal to find out if they are injured or sick

The dog will then be processed accordingly, either to a vet practice to get treatment or to a shelter where they will be looked after or, if appropriate, put up for adoption

A dog being checked for a microchip

Can you keep a stray dog?

If you're anything like me, then you may fall in love with your stray dog and begin dreaming about adopting them. But can you keep a stray dog?


While laws will change depending on the country where you live, the majority state that you must report a stray dog to the correct authorities.
This means you can't just take them straight home. It's important you make sure they aren't a lost pet, andthat they get the correct care they need before you adopt them.
Once animal control has picked them up, you can leave your contact details with them to tell them that you are interested in adopting the dog. Once the dog has been checked over and they are happy to rehome it, then it's yours!
A new dog owner comforting a stray dog


Should you let a stray dog go?

If you find a stray dog, you should contact local animal control to make them aware of it.

Is it illegal to take a stray dog home?

Once you have reported a stray dog and a local shelter has taken them in and checked them over to make sure they are safe and don't have a microchip or any owners, you can then legally take them home.

How long can a dog live as a stray?

The life expectancy of a stray dog averages around 4 or 5 years. The dangers of living on the street, like bad hygiene, traffic, and lack of food or shelter, mean they often won't make it past their 5th birthday.

How do you tell if a dog is a stray?

You can tell if a dog is a stray by whether they are wearing a collar or an ID tag, the condition of their coat, and their overall health. If it still isn't clear, take them to the vet and get them scanned to see if they have a microchip.

Should you touch a stray dog?

As a rule of thumb, you should probably avoid touching a stray dog. They can be potentially aggressive and carry diseases. However, many stray dogs are very friendly, so if you do choose to touch one, just make sure you wash your hands thoroughly afterward.

Will stray dogs bite?

Not all stray dogs will bite. However, it's important you don't approach stray dogs as their behavior can be unpredictable, and if they are frightened or anxious, they may bite in response.


Finding a stray dog or cat can be distressing. Many are lost pets or neglected animal, and we can feel responsible for caring for them.
However, it's essential that you first contact the local animal shelter or stray animal rescue organization. They will be able to provide safe and proper care. After this, who knows? You may have a new pet coming home with you!

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Lauren Jeffries

In this blog, I combine my two areas of expertise: pets and writing. I share my personal experiences alongside plenty of animal behavior research to help owners look after their pets. I have always lived with furry friends and am now a loving cat mum to two orange kitties.

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