Key takeaways
Owning a dog is a big responsibility, and without prioritizing their wellbeing they may struggle to feel happy.
As a pet parent, it's important to pay attention to both their physical health and their mental health.
We explore how you can do just that and offer our expert tips and advice along the way to make sure your furry friends are as happy as can be!
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Look after your dog's physical health
Taking your dog to a new dog park
Off-leash exercise in fields or trails
Playing fetch as you walk so they run further
Going on adventures with your dog, like long trails, mountain climbs, or even camping
Prevents obesity
Promotes good bone health
Helps keep muscles and joints healthy
Helps keep their coat healthy

Helping them regulate their body temperature
Preventing infection or soreness
Preventing ticks and fleas
Brushing: While dogs shed when the weather gets too hot, it's important you help them shed their coats by brushing them. This will reduce itching, uncomfortableness, and even allergies from their fur. While doing this, you can check them for ticks and fleas.
Checking their paws: It's easy to forget to check our dogs' paws, but it's important we do. Walking every day over different terrains can cause objects to become lodged between the toes or for small cuts to appear. If these aren't treated quickly, it can lead to infection and pain. It can be a good idea to moisturize the pads of their paws, too, as dryness can lead to cracking and infection.
Washing them: Washing your dog is an essential part of grooming. While you don't need to wash them daily, or even weekly, it's good to keep them clean. If they have rolled in something or start to smell, then get them in the bath! Monthly or bimonthly is usually a good routine, but it all depends on the type of dog you have.
Teeth clean: Keeping your dog's teeth clean will help prevent pain, infection, and tooth decay. You should brush your dog's teeth every week, ideally at least three times. You can also use dental chew toys to prevent plaque from building up.

Regular checkups
Your dog begins to hide
Your dog is sleeping more than usual
Your dog seems withdrawn and lethargic
Their eating behavior has changed
They're developing behavioral issues
Their coat is dull

Look after your dog's mental health
Mental stimulation
Become bored
Develop behavioral issues
Run away
Become withdrawn
Develop anxiety disorders
Have excess energy
Training: Teaching a dog new tricks is a fantastic way to keep your dog's cogs turning. Start with simple commands like 'paw' and see how far you can take it. Soon, they'll be replicating yoga poses and dancing with you! If you're struggling, try a certified professional dog trainer to give you advice or get you started.
New toys: Your dog's toys are essential in allowing them to have their own fun. We can't always interact with our pups, as much as we want to, so toys can be a great way for dogs to satisfy their own boredom.
Puzzle feeders: Food puzzle toys can teach your dog important lessons. The positive reward of a treat for figuring out a puzzle teaches them that good behavior is rewarded. This can help in your training efforts. Like other toys, these are a great way for your dog to entertain themselves for an hour or two, and you can slowly build up the difficulty of the puzzle.
Letting them follow scents: When you're on a walk with your canine companion, you may become frustrated with their constant stopping and sniffing. However, it's a necessity for your dog! Their instincts to follow scents are incredibly strong, so allowing them to do this is very mentally stimulating.

Snuggle time: A great way to spend quality time with your pup is to have extra cuddle time whenever you can. Most dogs love some extra belly rubs and affection and will likely respond positively to it. A little more snuggle time goes a long way!
Playtime: Playing is a surefire way to make your dog happy! Little games like hide and seek with treats, chasing, or fetch can give your dog a boost of happy hormones.

Relaxing your dog
Improving your dog's confidence
Easier training
Help prevent behavioral issues
Prevents fear, anxiety, and aggression
While dogs love spending time with their humans, nothing quite compares to time spent with other dogs.

How do I make my dog feel loved?
You can make your dog feel loved by spending quality time with them. Give them lots of affection and take them on fun adventures!
How can you tell if a dog is happy?
You can tell if your dog is happy by reading their body language. A relaxed posture with an open mouth and a wagging tail means they're content.
How can I help my dog be happier?
You can help your dog be happier by ensuring they get enough mental stimulation, physical exercise, and love. Walking them every day and not leaving them alone for too long will help them be happier!
How do I know if my dog is sad?
You can tell if your dog is sad if they are acting withdrawn, eating less, or hiding. There are other behaviors that may indicate they are sad, so be sure to observe them closely and act quickly if you notice anything out of the ordinary.
Do dogs like being hugged?
Some dogs like being hugged and others don't. Every dog is different, so listen to their body language! Some may feel anxious or stressed when they are embraced because they feel trapped. However, other dogs may understand it's a sign of affection.
Why isn't my dog happy?
If your dog isn't happy, it's because they aren't getting their needs met. They may not be getting the nutrients they need from their diet, getting groomed enough, getting enough exercise, getting enough attention, or even getting enough mental stimulation.
Am I giving my dog a good life?
As long as you pay attention to your dog's needs and prioritize their wellbeing, you are most likely giving them a good life. Make sure they get enough attention and exercise, and remember to show your love!