My Cat Ran Away and Came Back Different: Common Reasons

A lost cat returning home slightly differently after running away
ByLauren Jeffries
Last updatedJun 16, 2024
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Key takeaways

Seeing your missing cat come home is every owner's dream. However, lost cats have often experienced a lot and may be a bit traumatized from their adventures.

This means they may act a little differently, which can come as a surprise to many pet owners.

However, with the right care and attention, they'll be back to their usual selves in no time. So, check out our top tips to prioritize your pet's wellbeing and find out why they may be acting differently.

Quick Navigation

  1. Key takeaways
  2. How cats can be affected after being lost
  3. How to care for a lost cat after finding them
  4. FAQs
  5. Final thoughts

How cats can be affected after being lost

Your cat's behavior after becoming lost and returning home can be difficult to understand. For example, if your indoor only cat has suddenly experienced the great outdoors, they're likely to be a little confused, distressed, and nervous.

More skittish than usual

It may take some time for your kitty to settle back into their usual routine, and they may be more frightened than usual. The trauma of getting lost and what they experienced during their outdoor adventures can stay with them for a while. For example, they may have encountered:

Wild animals

Other cats



Our little kitties may think they're still under threat, even when they're in the safety of their own home. To help them calm down and settle back into life at home, it's important to keep the house as quiet and calm as possible. You can do this by:

Not playing loud music

Avoiding loud sounds

Not having visitors over

Not having other pets over

Keeping windows and doors shut

Expert Insight: Outdoor cats are less likely to be affected as much as indoor cats, but they still may have had a distressing experience, so be sure to give them lots of love.
A scared cat hiding under a bed

Acting distant or hiding

It's possible that your cat's fight-or-flight instinct is still triggered. This is when they get an instinctual response from being scared or distressed, and it can cause them to:

Run away


Avoid interactions with other animals and people

This is also often referred to as 'survival mode.' While your lost cat is back home and safe, it's possible they'll still be thinking about survival. This can explain why they're seeking new hiding places, acting distant and withdrawn, and may not be as interested in their usual cuddles.
A cat acting distant and hiding after returning home

Changes in appetite

One of the first things to be affected by stress will be your kitty's appetite. It's not uncommon for cats to sometimes go a full day or two without eating, especially if they are:

In pain




This can be stressful for cat owners when all we want to see is our kitty happy and healthy. But don't fret. Usually, their appetite will come back within a day or two, but if not, you can encourage them to eat by sneaking them some tasty human food or their favorite treat.
A cat sat next to a food bowl

Changes in routine

After a few days, weeks, or, in some cases, months of being lost, your cat's old routines may have gone out the window. This can include their:

Toilet behavior

Sleep patterns

Eating patterns

General interests

Expert Insight: If your lost pet was found by a local shelter, they've likely adapted to the structures and routines of living there.

How to care for a lost cat after finding them

It's essential to give the best care possible when your kitty returns home. This is their time of need, and some extra love and patience are essential for their wellbeing.

Be patient

It may be frustrating when your furry friend has finally come home, but they're not acting like themselves. However, a little bit of patience and unconditional love is all they need to settle back into normal life.
It's very important to respect your cat's boundaries during this time. Forcing them to socialize or cuddle when they clearly feel uncomfortable will only cause them to retreat away from you further, increasing the amount of time it'll take for them to feel safe and secure again.
All you can do is try to keep to their usual routines as much as possible. Keep giving them fresh food and water and offering company. Sooner or later, they'll be on your lap purring again.
A cat owner being patient with their found lost cat


After a long time sleeping outdoors and not getting their usual care, your kitty is probably well overdue a good grooming! While we may think cats are fairly low maintenance, it's important we pay attention to their needs to make them as comfortable as possible.
It's likely your cat will need:

Their nails clipping: When a cat's claws become too long, they can curl and dig into their paws, causing infections. They can also get stuck on certain materials, risking them being pulled out. Keeping them nice and short will be the safest and most comfortable option for your kitty.

Their coat brushing: A good brush will usually clean your cat's coat enough to avoid a bath. It will also help get rid of any mats that, if left, can become painful. If your kitty is particularly dirty or dusty, it may be worth washing their coat, too.

De-fleaing: Living outside is the perfect place to pick up a nasty infestation of fleas. These can be uncomfortable for your cat and, if left untreated, can also infest your house, making it nearly impossible to get rid of them!

After a long time sleeping outdoors and not getting their usual care, your kitty is probably well overdue a good grooming!

cat owners grooming their lost cat

Veterinary care

With all the love and happiness, it can be easy to overlook potential injuries your kitty may have from their adventure. Unfortunately, fights with other cats, getting stuck in awkward places, and traffic all make it very likely your cat may have gotten hurt.
It can be difficult to tell when your kitty is in pain, as they will instinctually hide it. Look out for the following signs:

Excessive licking: Licking one particular spot repetitively can be a sign that your cat is trying to self-soothe or heal themselves. Check the area for any signs of soreness.

Excessive vocalization: Yowling, meowing, and hissing can also be signs that your kitty is in pain. Interestingly, purring can also indicate an injury, as cats will do this in an attempt to soothe themselves.

Hiding: When cats are injured or sick, they are vulnerable. This means instinctually, they will seek isolated and secluded places to keep themselves safe. So, if your kitty is hiding in the house, they may be suffering.

Limping: A more obvious sign of injury is limping when walking or holding a paw up when sitting. If this is the case, check their paws for infection or cuts. If you can't see anything, it may be more likely to be a break.

Reduced appetite and sleeping more: Cats are unlikely to eat or drink or be generally active if they are injured or sick.

Even if there are no signs of injury or illness, booking a visit to the vet is an essential step if your cat has been gone for a while. They'll be able to do a general check-up, looking out for:

Signs of infection

Signs of disease




They can then give them the proper care they need to get them back up to tip-top condition.
a cat being treated by the vets


Why is my cat acting differently after running away?

Your cat is likely to act differently after running away because it can be a traumatic and scary experience. They may be more nervous and skittish and struggle to settle back into normal life and feel secure in their home.

What to do if your cat runs away and comes back?

If your cat comes back after running away, make sure you give them plenty of cuddles and be patient with them. They will likely be more nervous and scared and it will take time for them to settle back into their usual routine.

Why is my cat suddenly different?

If your cat is suddenly acting different, it may be because of an underlying health condition or ongoing stress. Make sure they are getting enough mental and physical stimulation, company, and food and water every day.

Do cats get sad when they're lost?

Yes, it's likely your cat will feel frightened, scared, and sad when they are lost. Without their usual comforts, they will struggle to feel safe and secure, and they will miss you!

Do cats get scared when they're lost?

Yes, it's likely your cat will feel frightened, scared, and sad when they are lost. Without their usual comforts, they will struggle to feel safe and secure, and they will miss you!

Is it normal for cats to run away and come back?

It's not necessarily normal for cats to run away and come back, but it is quite likely. Our cats have natural homing abilities, which means when they do run away, they can often find their way back.

Final thoughts

A lost cat is every owner's worst nightmare, and seeing them return home can be a huge relief. It's important to understand lost cat behavior before becoming frustrated that your kitty seems a little different. After all, they've been through a lot!
With the right care and attention, they'll be back to their usual selves in no time. So, be patient and use this guide to help you!

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Lauren Jeffries

In this blog, I combine my two areas of expertise: pets and writing. I share my personal experiences alongside plenty of animal behavior research to help owners look after their pets. I have always lived with furry friends and am now a loving cat mum to two orange kitties.

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