Can Cats Find Their Way Home? Facts Every Owner Should Know
ByLauren Jeffries
Last updatedOct 13, 2023
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Domestic cats and stray cats alike have an incredible plethora of senses. These all work together to allow our furry friends to develop a homing ability. Some cats have even been known to find their way home from 80 miles (128 km) away.
These include smell, hearing, night vision, whiskers, and sensitivity to the Earth's electromagnetic fields, which means cats can find their way home.
In this article, we'll explore what impacts their homing abilities, how it works, and why your cat might have run away before detailing how pet owners can attract their cat back home.
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Key takeaways
Can cats find their way home?
How do cats find their way home?
Why do cats run away?
How can you attract a cat back home?
Final thoughts
Can cats find their way home?
Yes! Cats can find their way home. Because of their incredible homing instinct, our furry friends can navigate through the trickiest terrain to ensure they get home safely.
Some cats may have very advanced homing abilities, whereas others may struggle. Here are some factors that can affect whether your cat can find their way home:
Age: The older the cat, the less chance they have of finding their way home. This is because as cats age, they lose some of their senses. My 21-year-old best buddy lost her hearing, which is an essential element of their homing abilities. She quickly had to become an indoor only cat!
Indoor or outdoor: Outdoor cats will have a better sense of direction and spatial awareness outside the home. Think of it as practice every time your cat goes on an adventure and returns home for dinner. However, indoor cats won't have this practice under their belts. This means they are more likely to become confused, lost, and disoriented.
Distance from home: How far your kitty has traveled will determine whether it can travel home. The further away, the more difficult it will become. However, don't lose hope. Recent research has shown cats will travel up to 80 miles to find their way home (source).
No matter how well-practiced your cat is in finding their way home, if you have recently moved house, this can change everything.
For a while, your domestic cat will likely still consider your former home as its current territory. This means that as soon as they go outdoors, their instincts will tell them to return to the old house.
To avoid losing your beloved cat, keep them indoors while they become familiar with their new digs. If they still run away, be sure to contact your old neighbors and ask them to keep your cat safe. If your cat is microchipped, you can rest assured that you will be contacted if they are found and handed in to a shelter.
How do cats find their way home?
Domestic cats and stray cats alike have an incredible plethora of senses. These all work together to allow our furry friends to develop a homing ability. Let's explore this a little further.
Sense of smell
Where an average pet owner has 5 million odor senses, cats have 200 million (source). This is an incredible amount that deems 'smelling' a cat's superpower.
Their strong sense of smell means most cats can detect a scent up to 4 miles away (source). So, cat owners, don't give up hope when trying to find your missing kitty!
Incredible hearing
Cats have cone-shaped ears that can turn 180 degrees and have an incredible 32 muscles, whereas humans only have 6.
This means that not only are sounds amplified, but cats can tune into different sounds all around them.
While this doesn't necessarily help them locate their home, it will help them avoid large predators and dangers like busy roads on the way home.
Night vision
Cats are nocturnal animals who hunt at night. This means they have developed fantastic night vision. So, when heading home after an exciting adventure, they can determine where they are by measuring distances, spotting familiar sights, and staying away from predators.
Sensitivity to the Earth's magnetic field
Recent research has revealed cats may potentially tap into the Earth's magnetic field to help them map out their home and improve their spatial awareness (source).
Magnetoreception is where animals can use electromagnetic fields to determine location and altitude (source). While humans do this to a certain extent, specific animals rely on this.
Sea turtles, for example, use this to find their way through vast oceans! It seems cats are also very sensitive to these fields, helping them find their way when their other senses aren't quite cutting it.
While we think whiskers make our cats look adorable, they serve a more critical function. These tiny hairs are incredibly sensitive and can detect the slightest change in air currents.
This helps cats determine distance, navigate tight spaces, and avoid more difficult terrain on their journey home.
Why do cats run away?
For cat owners, it can be a tricky and emotional subject when trying to understand why your beloved pet ran away. But sometimes, it's beyond our control. Check out some of the most common reasons why cats run away:
Changes in their home: Disruptive visitors, loud builders, or new pets can all impact how safe a cat feels in their own home. If their usual routine has changed drastically, they might decide it's time to find a new location. To prevent this from happening, keep an eye on your cat's behavior after any changes in the house. If they seem visibly stressed, be sure to make adjustments to their environment to keep them from leaving.
Your cat is pregnant: A mother cat will want to find somewhere safe, quiet, and secluded to nest in and prepare for her kittens. If you haven't provided this in their home, they will leave to find it. If this happens, finding them as soon as possible is important to ensure their safety.
Your cat is in heat: If your lost cat isn't neutered, they have likely gone on an adventure to find a mate. To prevent this from happening, keep them indoors at this point of their cycle and keep windows shut to avoid attracting other cats in the area.
Your cat is sick or injured: A cat's instinct when they are sick or injured is to isolate themselves so they don't encounter predators in their weak state. Not all cats will run away to do this, but it is very common as cats prefer keeping to themselves when they are vulnerable.
You've recently moved home: Missing cats who have just moved home will often try to return to their old house. Keep them indoors for at least two weeks to prevent this from happening.
Have you got a dog, too? Find out why dog's run away to prevent your furry friends from escaping.
How can you attract a cat back home?
If you're currently trying to find a missing cat, there are ways to help out their homing instinct and lure them back home.
Distributing lost cat posters can help spread the message of your missing kitty far and wide.
Leave their litter box outside
The litter box will have your cat's scent all over it. Your cat will recognize This very specific smell from far away. Leaving it outside your house will help your cat find their way home. Keep it in a fairly secure area to avoid other animals using it and confusing the scent.
Leave their food bowl outside
The likelihood is that if your furry friend is lost, they're probably pretty hungry. Leave their bowl outside with their usual food topped up and maybe even some of their favorite treats. Their well developed sense of smell means they could be attracted back home from miles away.
Leave blankets and clothing outside
If you're reluctant to leave litter boxes and food outside for hygiene reasons, opt for clothing and bedding that your missing cat will recognize. A blanket or rug they frequently sleep on is perfect, or an item of clothing you often wear when cuddling with them.
Leave windows and doors open
By leaving your windows and doors open, it'll make it easier for cats to hear sounds they recognize, like your voice. It'll also help them detect familiar scents and encourage them to come home naturally.
Find out how you can use a cat detective to locate your lost cat.
Do cats miss their owners?
You may assume that cats are independent and solitary creatures. However, as they became domesticated, they learned how to live in groups and alongside people. This means that they are now social creatures who do miss their owners when they are separated.
How far do cats roam when they're lost?
Most cats usually only travel around 0.2-0.5 miles (0.3-0.8km). However, if they lose their sense of direction, they can be known to travel up to 80 miles (128 km).
Do lost cats remember their owners?
Cats have an incredible memory and can recognize a human's face for an astounding ten years. This, along with their well-attuned senses, means that cats can definitely remember their owners!
What to do if your cat didn't come home?
If your cat didn't come home when they usually do, it's essential you act quickly. Spread the message to your neighbors, call local shelters, leave their favorite food outside, and start searching and calling their name with a bag of treats. Read more at our complete guide to finding a lost cat.
Can domestic cats survive outside?
Most domestic cats can survive outside, but it depends on a number of factors, like weather, the age of the cat, and the area they are in.
If temperatures are freezing and you live near a busy road, you must find your kitty as soon as possible. However, if your cat is used to the outdoors and you live reasonably remotely, they should have good survival skills.[[/faq-answer]]
What do indoor cats do when they run away?
It's most likely that your indoor cat will hide when they run away. If they aren't used to the outdoors, loud noises, strangers, and other animals will frighten them. Search secluded, secret spots for your missing cat close to home!
Do cats get scared when they're lost?
If your missing cat isn't used to the outdoors, they will most likely be scared if they get lost. This means they could go into hiding for a couple of days, but once their adrenaline calms, they will most likely find their way back to you.
Do cats remember where they live?
Yes, cats do remember where they live! Their strong sense of smell, spatial awareness, and territorial nature mean that their home is very important to them. This means a lost cat will be able to navigate home.
Final thoughts
Our fluffy friends are incredibly intelligent creatures. Their elite combination of senses means that cats find their way home frequently without any intervention. However, indoor kitties may need a little more help as they haven't had as much practice as their adventurous counterparts.
If you're struggling to find your missing cat and they haven't ventured home yet, try a lost cat finder like PetRadar. This allows you to create personalized adverts for your missing cats and choose how many people you want to reach.
We then organize sponsored ads on Instagram and Facebook that will target a significant amount of your neighbors. We'll manage all reported sightings and support you through the tricky time.
Written by
Lauren Jeffries
In this blog, I combine my two areas of expertise: pets and writing. I share my personal experiences alongside plenty of animal behavior research to help owners look after their pets. I have always lived with furry friends and am now a loving cat mum to two orange kitties.