Easiest Dog to Take Care Of: Comparing the Top 5

An easy dog to take care of sleeping on the bed

Key takeaways

Some dogs are easy to train, and some dogs are known for their stubborn nature and love for chasing prey.

Choosing the breed that's right for you and your family is essential. It'll ensure a long and happy life for your pup and a stress-free home life for you.

In this guide, we'll compare the top 5 easiest dogs to care for before exploring the somewhat more tricky breeds!

Quick Navigation

  1. Key takeaways
  2. What makes a dog easy to take care of?
  3. Top 5 easiest dog breeds to take care of
  4. Most high maintenance dog breeds
  5. FAQs
  6. Final thoughts

What makes a dog easy to take care of?

We all know some breeds are notoriously difficult to take care of, but what makes them high maintenance? It's important to know for first-time owners; otherwise, you may end up with a handful you weren't prepared for!


Some dogs require a huge amount of grooming for their own wellbeing. For example, long-haired dogs will need bathing, brushing, and regular haircuts for them to be able to regulate their body temperature and feel comfortable, whereas pups with short coats don’t need as much attention.
Grooming needs to consider include:

Nail clipping

Teeth brushing


Coat clipping

Expert Insight: Certain breeds will have predispositions to health conditions that can be prevented through good grooming, meaning it's especially important you keep up with the routine.
A dog owner bathing and grooming their dog

Exercise needs

Exercise is a huge part of every dog's life. However, some need more than others. Daily walks are a big commitment and one that every potential pet parent needs to consider.
A quick walk around the block may suffice with some smaller or more docile breeds, but some dog breeds need two or more hours of active exercise every day.
Expert Insight: If your dog doesn't get enough exercise, it can lead to health issues, boredom, and anxiety.

Attention needs

A dog doesn't just need a walk to maintain a happy life and good wellbeing. They also need attention, love, care, and dedication. They are part of the family, after all, and need to be treated as such.
Certain dog breeds can be naturally quite independent. Some you may even be able to leave alone for short periods of time without fazing them. However, many dogs cannot be left alone and will need almost constant attention from you throughout the day.
For some people, this is the dream and the reason they wanted a dog in the first place. For others, it can quickly become frustrating. That's why choosing the right breed for you is vital.
Dog owner cuddling their dog

Top 5 easiest dog breeds to take care of

So, we know what makes a high maintenance and a low maintenance dog, now we need know what breeds fall into each category. Let's take a look at some of the easiest pups to take care of for you laid-back animal lovers.

1. Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

Cavalier King Charles Spaniels make great family pets. They have a very gentle, calm nature and love nothing more than cuddling up with their owners or going about their daily tasks with them.
They have an adaptable nature that makes them a versatile dog for many different owners. Whether you're a countryside dweller or a city lover, you can fit this gorgeous pup into your life.
Some important things to note include:

Grooming: These pups have a lovely, long, silky coat that needs taking care of. However, because of its texture, they're not prone to matting. This means a regular brush and the occasional bath are usually enough to keep their fur healthy.

Energy levels: These sociable pups are always up for an adventure or a play, but they aren't demanding. They'll enjoy curling up on the couch for a lazy day as well!

Exercise needs: 45 minutes to an hour of active time will usually be enough for a King Charles. However, you may end up with a particularly high-energy pup, in which case an hour everyday is needed.

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

Cavalier King Charles have an adaptable nature that makes them a versatile dog for many different owners. Whether you're a countryside dweller or a city lover, you can fit this gorgeous pup into your life.

2. Yorkshire Terrier

Something that makes the Yorkshire Terrier so easy to take care of is their small size. This makes them perfect and practical for smaller apartments or city living. It also means they don't require too much walking.
Yorkshire Terriers are full of personality and each dog has a completely different and quirky persona. But something they all have in common is their unconditional and devoted love and loyalty to their owners, making them one of the most wonderful companions out there.
Let's break down their general needs to see if a Yorky is the pup for you:

Grooming: Yorkshire Terriers have a gorgeous silky long coat that's more similar to human hair than dog fur! While they will need regular coat clipping, brushing, and washing to keep it looking luscious, you can often leave it about six weeks or sometimes even longer before another trip to the groomers!

Energy levels: Every Yorky is different, but many owners describe these dogs as having bursts of energy and then long periods of being couch potatoes. As long as they are getting enough mental stimulation, as they're very intelligent, they'll be content! This means they're fantastic dogs for training and can be very playful.

Exercise needs: Because they are a smaller dog breed, you don't need to worry about hours and hours of exercise every day. In fact, many Yorkies would be content with around 20 minutes of exercise as long as they can have a good sniff and play!

Yorkshire Terrier

3. Bichon Frise

The Bichon Frise can be every family's new best friend. Their quirky personalities can light up any room, and their confidence and friendly nature make them adaptable to many different situations and experiences.
They are the ultimate low-maintenance dogs who can live happily in big farmhouses in the countryside or small city apartments. You'll see many first-time owners opt for these adorable little fluffy creatures because they seem to bring together everything you could want in a dog!
If you need further convincing, consider these needs:

Grooming: Their soft, white, fluffy coats will need regular brushing, but rest assured that they are relatively hypoallergenic, meaning you won't need to worry about shedding! To keep them comfortable and their coat neat, it's worth getting them clipped every month or so.

Energy levels: Bichons are fairly docile pups who'll enjoy a long snooze and a cuddle. They enjoy bursts of energy and will often get the 'zoomies,' cultivating their charming personalities and making their families laugh.

Exercise needs: A Bichon Frise will only need up to an hour of exercise every day. A 30-minute stroll around the block will suffice some days; others may want more of a play!

Bichon Frise

Their quirky personalities can light up any room, and their confidence and friendly nature make them adaptable to many different situations and experiences.

4. Whippet

Whippets are gorgeous dogs who love their owners deeply. You may assume they'd be high maintenance, because of their greyhound, racing background, but this breed is a lot more chilled out!
They are often shy introverts, which means socializing and training are essential, but when they come out of their shell, they'll be a steadfast companion. They are a relatively low maintenance dog, thanks to their extremely short coat and docile nature.
To gain a deeper insight, consider the following:

Grooming: As we mentioned, a Whippet's grooming needs are very minimal. A weekly soft brush will be plenty for their silky, short coats, and that's about it!

Energy levels: While these dogs require lots of space to run, after they've satisfied the urge, they'll happily snooze most of the day away!

Exercise needs: This breed needs less exercise than you may have previously thought. An hour a day will be enough for them to stay happy and healthy, but it needs to be good quality exercise! This means plenty of off-leash running, chasing, and sniffing, as well as some games to keep them mentally stimulated.


5. Labrador Retriever

While Labrador Retrievers are relatively large dogs, they may be fantastic companions for first-time owners. They are incredibly loving and gentle dogs that will be a true friend for their whole lives. However, there is a reason why we put them at the end of our list!
Labradors aren't the most low maintenance dog out there. They have a known doggy smell, oily and prone-to-shedding coats, and need plenty of attention. But they are often considered 'easy' because of their easygoing nature. They'll happily accompany you on any trip or task you have planned and will snooze and snore away on the sofa when you want to relax. Furthermore, they are fantastic with children, making them a beautiful addition to the family.
There's a little more to consider with a Labrador, so be sure to think about the following:

Grooming: While being short-haired, these pups will need plenty of brushing and bathing. Their coats are very thick, and it can take a lot of work to maintain their glossy, healthy shine.

Energy levels: This breed is a bundle of energy. Their intelligence, combined with their seemingly endless energy, means they'll need plenty of mental stimulation as well as physical. So, if you're looking for a simple cuddle buddy, a Labrador may not be the breed for you.

Exercise needs: Bred as a working dog, Labradors have an incredible physique that requires at least two hours of physical activity everyday. Without this, their muscles and joints can become stiff and painful.

Labrador retriever

Most high maintenance dog breeds

First-time owners will usually be able to adapt to most breeds, but the ones we've mentioned will be a safe bet! However, it's also worth mentioning some that may be best to avoid unless you're an experienced dog owner:


Huskies: This is a highly-strung dog breed that requires plenty of mental and physical stimulation. They can be stubborn, making training very difficult, and they are very independent with a high prey drive. This can lead to running away, destroying their environment, and a lot of vocalization!


Border Collies: This is one of the most intelligent dog breeds out there. While this means they can be incredibly obedient and well-trained, it also means they need almost constant stimulation to avoid boredom.


Rottweilers: While Rottweilers can make lovely companions, they are also big balls of energy with a lot of muscle! This means they need consistent training and a lot of attention and exercise.


Jack Russell Terriers: Despite their small and practical size, Jack Russells can be very difficult to train. Their incredibly high prey drive and energy levels mean it'll be nearly impossible to stop them from running away and following a scent or chasing prey. They can also be very vocal, which can be difficult to avoid.



What is the most low-maintenance dog?

One of the most low-maintenance dogs to own is a Yorkshire Terrier. They are adaptable, loving, and need little grooming or long walks. They'll happily curl up with you on the sofa or accompany you on your daily errands.

What is the calmest dog to own?

One of the calmest dogs to own is actually a Whippet. While you may think they need endless amounts of exercise, after a good run and walk they'll happily snooze the day away by your side.

What is the easiest dog breed to handle?

A very easy dog breed to handle is the Bichon Frise. They are great family dogs thanks to their calm and gentle nature, and they're fairly docile, meaning you don't have to worry about hours of exercise, entertainment, and attention.

What breed of dog is quiet and calm?

The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel is a very quiet and calm breed of dog. They have a kind and loyal nature and will enjoy spending quality time with their owners, whether that's in the house or on a stroll.

What is the most well-behaved dog?

The Bichon Frise is a very well-behaved dog breed. They are calm and docile, meaning you don't have to spend hours in puppy training classes for them to be loyal and obedient.

What dogs can be left alone?

No dog can be left alone for long periods of time. They are naturally pack animals and will become anxious when alone. However, some breeds are more independent than others, like Greyhounds and Chow Chows, and can be left for a few hours at a time.

Final thoughts

There will be plenty of other dogs and other breeds that can make easy companions, it all depends on the individual. With the right care and training, we're sure you'll love your pup no matter what!
To ensure your dog doesn't end up being put up for adoption or given away, do your research. Busy owners will need an independent and calm dog, whereas work-from-homers may enjoy a cuddle monster attached to their hip. Make sure you're prepared and choose the perfect breed for you and your family!

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Lauren Jeffries

In this blog, I combine my two areas of expertise: pets and writing. I share my personal experiences alongside plenty of animal behavior research to help owners look after their pets. I have always lived with furry friends and am now a loving cat mum to two orange kitties.

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