Lost cat in Leamington

What is a PetRadar search?

PetRadar informs thousands of neighbors about your lost cat in Leamington through sponsored posts displayed as ads on Facebook and Instagram. A sort of digital flyer seen by thousands of people in the area of your missing cat.

Active searches in Leamington

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Ginger poster

Ginger - 54 Marentette Beach

SEARCH STARTED ON - 15-06-2024, 14:41

Small female, fixed & no front claws (she came that way, we didn't declaw her). She can be a little shy but loves treats.

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Stink  poster

Stink - County Road 18

SEARCH STARTED ON - 08-11-2023, 19:20

This is stink he went missing 2 days ago. He never misses breakfast and hasn’t come back yet. He usually comes when you call him or shake some treats. He went missing on County Road 18. If you happen to see him please give me a call 519-329-0521.

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Tiger poster

Tiger - Goldsmith Street

SEARCH STARTED ON - 04-03-2023, 21:01

Tiger is 11 months old tabby boy . He has collar with tag. He is indoor cat and never been outside our house.

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