Lost cat in Hamilton

What is a PetRadar search?

PetRadar informs thousands of neighbors about your lost cat in Hamilton through sponsored posts displayed as ads on Facebook and Instagram. A sort of digital flyer seen by thousands of people in the area of your missing cat.

Active searches in Hamilton

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Searches started: 8

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Cats still missing: 220

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Xena poster

Xena - York Street

SEARCH STARTED ON - 15-02-2025, 03:55

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Winston poster

Winston - Islington Street

SEARCH STARTED ON - 25-08-2024, 10:03

Winston is a 2 year old boy who has been desexed and microchipped. He was last seen wearing a red blue and white reflective collar with a shiny silver name tag with my details. He’s shy but loves treats and may come if he’s offered them. He’s usually only outside for an hour at most, so him disappearing is highly unusual. Very intelligent and loving. He is very missed and we are worried about his welfare as we fear he may have got locked into someone’s shed.

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Tinka poster

Tinka - Houchens Road

SEARCH STARTED ON - 15-02-2024, 13:42

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