Lost cat in Flagstaff

What is a PetRadar search?

PetRadar informs thousands of neighbors about your lost cat in Flagstaff through sponsored posts displayed as ads on Facebook and Instagram. A sort of digital flyer seen by thousands of people in the area of your missing cat.

Active searches in Flagstaff

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Shilo poster

Shilo - 616 W Clay Ave

SEARCH STARTED ON - 22-12-2024, 17:32

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Rocket poster

Rocket - 3923 N Geneva Cir

SEARCH STARTED ON - 19-12-2024, 14:44

Small timid cat with black, brown, and orange patches. Is microchipped. Got out last night around 10/11pm when we noticed the back door blew open. First time running away and new-er to the east side (moved in October) l Please contact me at 802-377-2454 if you see her running around the neighbourhood. My mother is so distraught.

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Padmé  poster

Padmé - 1455 E Payton Way

SEARCH STARTED ON - 08-09-2024, 00:14

Female 6 month old black tortoise shell cat with white and orange markings and green eyes Super sweet and playful If you see her please try and grab her! Contact 5055546313 if you see her please and thank you!

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