Pets on New Year's Eve: Expert Advice to Keep Animals Safe

Key takeaways

New Year's Eve activities, like drinking, partying, having friends over, and lighting fireworks, can put your pets under a lot of stress.

Multiple studies and statistics point to an increase in fear and anxiety in your pets as well as a higher chance of running away during the fireworks season.

We've compiled our expert safety tips to keep your dog or cat happy and healthy this New Year's Eve so you can relax and enjoy the festivities without worrying about your furry friend.

Quick Navigation

  1. Key takeaways
  2. Statistics about pet safety on New Year's Eve
  3. Why do pets run away on New Year's Eve?
  4. Dogs on New Year's Eve: 3 safety tips
  5. Cats on New Year's Eve: 3 safety tips
  6. FAQs
  7. Final thoughts

Statistics about pet safety on New Year's Eve

Cats can hear frequencies three times higher than humans and have 32 muscles that can move their ears to help pinpoint exactly where sounds are coming from. This means they are extra sensitive to loud noises like fireworks. (source)

Dogs can hear sounds that are too quiet for humans to hear, meaning loud noises will impact them a lot more than they impact us. (source)

Around 45% of dogs show signs of fear when they hear fireworks. (source)

There is a 120% increase in dogs going missing during fireworks season. (source)

Animal sanctuaries report a larger number of stray cats handed in and a larger number of cats being hit by cars during fireworks season. (source)

A dog owner sat on the floor comforting their dog

Why do pets run away on New Year's Eve?

Our beloved pets are sensitive creatures. Any kind of change in their usual routine can cause a lot of stress. During the holidays, this can be unavoidable.
The endless stream of visitors sipping alcoholic beverages, nights away from home, and loud music will inevitably annoy your pets. Sometimes, it's enough to make them run away.

Our beloved pets are sensitive creatures. Any kind of change in their usual routine can cause a lot of stress. During the holidays, this can be unavoidable.

Loud noises

There are certain things you can expect on New Year's Eve, and one of them is fireworks. Yes, they make for a beautiful display and give the night a focus, but their volume causes chaos for pet owners.
When animals hear sounds they aren't expecting or sounds so loud it shocks them, their fight or flight instinct can kick in.
This means your pet can go into 'survival mode' where they either run away and hide or they become aggressive. Because loud noises are often external, they are unlikely to 'fight.' They don't know what or where the threat is, and so they often choose 'flight' or, in other words, to run.
A dog sat watching fireworks after running away from the loud noises


The majority of pets are very territorial. They know their home and all the scents that belong to it. This is why they feel safe and secure in their environment.
So, if there is a sudden influx of strangers in their territory, they can become defensive and distressed. Their safe space is no longer secure. To seek safety, they may decide to run away from home.
Living room full of visitors with a dog sitting amongst them

Change in their normal routine

Pets are creatures of habit. Knowing their daily routines brings a lot of comfort and allows them to relax and trust you as owners.
As much as you can try to ease your pet's anxieties, they may choose to run away if they can no longer rely on their trusted routines. Examples of changes that can impact your pet include:

Dinner time



Alone time


Pets are creatures of habit. Knowing their daily routines brings a lot of comfort and allows them to relax and trust you as owners.

A dog sat next to a food bowl expectantly

Dogs on New Year's Eve: 3 safety tips

We may assume that because our dogs love meeting new people, they'll have a wonderful time on New Year's Eve. However, as a general rule, you can never make assumptions about your pet's behavior, no matter how well you know them. To avoid your pup running away, use the following safety tips.

1. Create a safe space for your dog

A way to keep your dog calm is to provide them with their own safe space. This is most effective when it's in their favorite room, like your bedroom. To do this, try:

Filling a dog bed or cardboard box with your bed sheets

Placing your pup's favorite toys in the space

Putting treats in the safe space

Make sure you choose a room that's most soundproof and a room that you can secure. Putting the radio on or playing some relaxing music can help calm your pup as it gives them a constant sound to focus on, rather than waiting for the next bang of fireworks.
If you haven't made specific plans, then spend time with your pup in their safe space. Sit with them, stroke them, and talk to them. It will make the area feel even safer and help build trust between you and your furry friend.

Putting the radio on or playing some relaxing music can help calm your pup as it gives them a constant sound to focus on, rather than waiting for the next bang of fireworks.

A dog sat on a bed in their safe space

2. Close doors and windows

The biggest danger for dogs on New Year's Eve is running away. They can easily become lost and disoriented and find themselves on roads, in busy town centers, or even miles away from home if they're good runners.
To avoid this being a possibility, keep your windows and doors locked shut for the whole night. If you need to answer the door, then make sure your pup is in a secure room before you do so. Our furry friends are fast and can escape in a blink of an eye. Don't let it happen.
Top Tip: Skip the evening walk and keep your dog inside for the night. If your dog gets spooked, they may be strong enough to run away, even on a leash!
A German shepherd sat outside of a house after escaping

3. Ask your neighbors about their plans

While we can't control how our neighbors spend their New Year's Eve, we can make them aware of our own situation.
Simply letting your neighbors know that you have an anxious dog at home may encourage them to opt for silent fireworks or to turn the music down without having to have an awkward conversation.
Asking them about their plans for the evening will help you plan yours, too. If you know they're organizing a big party, then it might be worth staying home and being with your pup to keep them calm. However, if they're going out, you may feel more comfortable leaving your furry friend for an hour or two.

Simply letting your neighbors know that you have an anxious dog at home may encourage them to opt for silent fireworks or to turn the music down without having to have an awkward conversation.

Lots of neighbors gathered together with their pets

Cats on New Year's Eve: 3 safety tips

We know how skittish our cats can be, especially if their routine has been broken. And it's no surprise. Our kitties trust us and the home we create for them. If this suddenly feels dangerous, they will run away to seek a safer setup.

1. Keep the house secure

The most important part of keeping your cat safe on New Year's Eve is not letting them outside. This may feel cruel, especially if you've got a curious kitty who loves an adventure. But it's for their own good, and remember, it's only one evening!
By letting them outside, you risk them running away and becoming displaced. This is when your feline friend has ventured outside of their territory and no longer recognizes where they are. Often, this results in them becoming lost and being unable to find their way home.
Expert Insight: You never know how your kitty will react to loud bangs, music, and visitors. Even if they've seemed relaxed before, it's not worth the risk!
A cat escaping the house by jumping out the open window

2. Plug in a calming scent

Luckily for cats, there are certain smells that can relax them. In any pet store, you'll be able to find plug-in cat relaxers. These release pheromones that we can't smell, but our cats can, mimicking their own. The particular signals used make them feel safer.
If you opt for this method, be sure to plug it in a few days before so your cat reaches maximum chill-out by the time the fireworks start.
A very relaxed cat sleeping on a bed

3. Keep them in one room

You may initially think keeping your kitty confined to just one room will stress them out. However, if you plan on having visitors coming and going, they will be much more relaxed in the long run.
Choose their favorite snoozing room and make it feel cozy and safe. You can do this by:

Putting their litter tray in there

Putting food and water in there

Choosing a corner and making it comfortable with blankets and bed sheets

Putting a cardboard box in there for a hiding spot

Putting their favorite toys and treats in there

Make sure you check in regularly with them throughout the night and offer them comfort when they need it.
Top Tip: Choose a room that is most soundproofed to protect your kitty from the sounds of loud guests, music, and fireworks. You can even place a towel along the bottom of the door to limit the sound coming in.
A cat confined to just the bathroom to keep them safe


How do I protect my dog on New Year's Eve?

To protect your dog on New Year's Eve, you need to create a quiet place in your house full of familiar items and keep them inside. Closing doors, windows, and bedroom doors is important to help keep the house quiet and secure.

How do I protect my cat on New Year's Eve?

To protect your cat on New Year's Eve, it's best to keep them inside. By taking precautionary measures, you can prevent your kitty from running away. Keep them confined to one space where there is minimal noise, and check up on them throughout the night.

How do I protect my dog from fireworks?

To keep your dog safe and protect them from fireworks, you will need to keep them calm and offer plenty of support and comfort. Stay with them in your dog's safe place, play soothing music, and try to distract them.

Why are dogs scared of New Year's Eve?

Dogs are often scared on New Year's Eve because they can be frightened of unusual and loud noises, strangers in their territory, and being left alone.

Do cats get scared on New Year's Eve?

Yes, cats often get scared on New Year's Eve because the noise from fireworks can frighten them, and visitors coming in and out of their environment can distress them.

Does covering a dog's ears help with fireworks?

Depending on your relationship with your dog, covering their ears can be helpful when trying to calm them from fireworks. However, some dogs may panic if you invade their personal space. Stop immediately if your pup shows signs of stress when you try covering their ears.

Final thoughts

With all the statistics pointing towards your pet being in danger on New Year's Eve, it's important to be prepared when the festivities begin.
If you're currently missing a pet, try starting a PetRadar search. We have found a way to alert over 4,000 people in your area about your furry friend so you can have as many eyes on the lookout as possible.
Once you select the radius of your search, we'll create a digital missing pet poster that will be shown to your neighbors as an advertisement on their social media feeds. Sponsored posts on Facebook and Instagram will reach thousands of people who can save the post for later, send it to a friend, or report a sighting directly from it.
We'll support you every step of the way. We've already reunited 8000+ with their owners, so you'll be in good hands.

Written by

Image of the author
Lauren Jeffries

In this blog, I combine my two areas of expertise: pets and writing. I share my personal experiences alongside plenty of animal behavior research to help owners look after their pets. I have always lived with furry friends and am now a loving cat mum to two orange kitties.

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