5 Pet Loss Gift Ideas to Comfort a Grieving Pet Parent

Key takeaways

Thinking of pet loss gifts can be difficult. As caring friends and family, we want to offer our condolences and let them know that we're here for them, but how's best to do that?

Memorial gifts can be a lovely idea to let them know you're thinking about them, so we've listed our top 5 ideas to spark your imagination.

We also explore how you can comfort a grieving friend because sometimes, the best gift is your time.

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  1. Key takeaways
  2. 5 Pet loss gifts
  3. How to comfort a grieving pet owner
  4. FAQs
  5. Final thoughts

5 Pet loss gifts

Losing a beloved pet is heartbreaking. People can experience grief that is just as intense as losing a loved one. And this is because our pets are part of the family.
Knowing how to comfort a friend or family member during this time can be difficult, but a thoughtful gift can be a good place to start, to remind them that they are not alone in this grief.

1. A photobook

Photobooks make lovely memorial gifts. It offers an opportunity for the pet owner to reminisce over happy memories rather than remembering their pet in their final days.
It can also make it easier for you to connect with them over their loss and share your own memories of their pet, which will help them process the grief.

2. A portrait of their pet

A lot of pet owners often like to make an area within their house dedicated to the memory of their pet. A lovely gift with a personal touch is a portrait of their pet that they can hang on the walls of their house.
There are many professional artists who can either paint or draw a portrait of a pet from a photo. But if you've got some artistic skills, then why not try it for yourself? It would mean even more coming from you!
Photo of a dog

3. A framed photo

A framed photo is a wonderful way to remember a pet. Its versatility to be mounted on a wall or placed on a mantelpiece or window sill means pet parents can see their beloved furry friend every day.
It can also be the start of a shrine set up for the pet, where objects of theirs are kept in one place so owners have a space to grieve. If the pet parents are religious, then this offers a lovely place for them to pray.
An additional gift to go along with the photo could be a memorial candle. This way, they can light it when they pray or want to remember them.
A cat owner holding up a framed photo of a cat

4. A keepsake box

Pet memorial gifts are all about remembering those who have been lost and keeping their memory alive. A great way to do this is with a keepsake box. Here, pet owners can keep:






By gifting them a special box and including some photos, they can start building it up.

5. Something engraved

Sometimes, finding the words to comfort someone can feel impossible. This is why engraving a gift can be a thoughtful option.
Whether you want to write something yourself or if there is a particular poem or quote that rings true and may offer some comfort, engraving is always a special gift.
Some gifts you can engrave include:





Photo frame

Group of neighbors helping each other

How to comfort a grieving pet owner

Alongside a gift, it's important you comfort the pet owner as best as possible. Having a good support system can make all the difference in times of distress.

Share your memories

Sometimes, we can feel uncomfortable talking with someone about their grief. Often, we don't know the right way to approach the subject or the situation and are worried we may make things worse.
However, people grieving their furry friend need to be able to talk about it and will enjoy reminiscing about their pet with their loved ones.
A lovely way to do this is to share your favorite memories of their pet with them, whether it was when they were a small puppy or kitten or even a recent walk.
A sad cat owner holding their cat

Be there to talk with them

When someone has recently lost their cat or dog, or even a smaller animal, they need to know that their friends and family are near them and can offer unconditional love.
Checking in with them often is a must. Even if it's grabbing a coffee or having a chat on the phone. Sometimes they may want to talk about their pet, but they may also want to take their mind off the grief.
Let them lead the conversation, and make sure they know you're there.

Help them out

As we've mentioned, grieving a pet can feel like grieving a family member or other loved ones. It can be debilitating and can lead to them struggling to go about day-to-day life normally.
Responsibilities can be difficult to keep up, like:





So why not offer them a hand? Sometimes, a babysitting or grocery shopping offer can be the best gift you can give. Ask them what they need help with and be there for them.
A neighbor going around to help a friend


What to do for someone grieving the loss of a pet?

When someone is grieving the loss of a pet, you can make it easier by being there to talk with them. Share memories, reminisce, and help them with day-to-day tasks that will make their life easier.

How long does pet grief last?

There is no set time frame on pet grief. It can last years or it can last months, it all depends on your personal situation. Any length of time is perfectly natural and normal.

How long is it OK to grieve a pet?

Any length of time is okay to grieve a pet. A personal relationship with a pet can make them feel like a family member. You may be grieving for weeks, months, or even years. It all depends on your personal situation.

How do you pay tribute to a dead dog?

Paying tribute to a dog that has passed away can be a lovely way to remember them. You can have a memorial with friends and family, bury them somewhere special, create a shrine for them, or do anything that helps you commemorate their memory.

Do you give flowers when a pet dies?

Yes, you can give flowers when a pet dies. Typically, white flowers symbolize sympathy and can be a lovely option to let a pet owner know you are thinking about them.

Final thoughts

We hope these pet loss gift ideas have helped you think of some ways you can offer your condolences to your loved one for the loss of their furry companion.
But remember, you don't need to buy anything for them. Sometimes, the best gift is your quality time. So, make sure you're there for them when they need it!

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Lauren Jeffries

In this blog, I combine my two areas of expertise: pets and writing. I share my personal experiences alongside plenty of animal behavior research to help owners look after their pets. I have always lived with furry friends and am now a loving cat mum to two orange kitties.

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