How to Trap a Cat: Complete Guide for Securing Lost Cats

Key takeaways

Humane traps are useful pieces of kit when you need to capture a skittish cat. Whether it's your own kitty who's got lost on an adventure or a feral cat that needs medical attention.

However, the process can prove difficult. This is why we've put together this complete guide to trapping a cat.

We'll explore the basics of setting a trap, best practices for capturing your kitty safely, and how to monitor the trap.

Quick Navigation

  1. Key takeaways
  2. How to trap a lost cat: the basics
  3. Best practices for trapping cats
  4. Monitoring the trap
  5. Preparing for the worst: When trapping is unsuccessful
  6. FAQ
  7. Conclusion

How to trap a lost cat: the basics

Whether you're trapping feral cats or your own missing kitty, it's crucial to know how to do it safely and successfully.
When it comes to trapping a lost cat, patience and persistence are key. You might not succeed on your first attempt, but don't lose hope - your kitty is counting on you.

When it comes to trapping a lost cat, patience and persistence are key.

Preparing the trap

Before setting the trap, gather essential items and follow these steps to increase your chances of successfully capturing your lost cat:


Acquire a humane cat trap: Purchase or rent a humane trap specifically designed for cats. Avoid using traps meant for other animals or homemade contraptions. Choose from a drop trap or a box trap.


Select a suitable location: Choose a location for the trap based on factors such as familiarity, visibility, and evidence of your cat's presence. Consider the environment, as finding a lost cat in the woods may require a different approach than in a city. Generally, try to find an enclosed space.


Gather familiar items: Collect items that carry your cat's scent, like their favorite blanket or toys, to use in creating a scent trail and making the trap more inviting. You could also try placing a lost cat's litter box outside as an additional lure.


Prepare bait: Stock up on enticing food items, such as canned tuna or wet cat food, to use as bait inside the trap.


Gather comfort items: Assemble soft bedding, a blanket, or a towel to place inside the trap, making it more comfortable for your cat.


Set up a trail camera: If possible, set up a trail camera near the trap to monitor its activity without disturbing the area.


Plan for post-trapping: Have a plan in place for when your cat is captured, such as how to safely transport them home and provide immediate care upon their return. Review what to do if your cat gets out to ensure a smooth reunion.

bowl of food to lure a cat to a trap

Setting the trap

Lost cats can be both clever and skittish, so it's essential to use humane traps that are safe and effective. There are various types of traps available, each with their own benefits.
It's also helpful to know how to find a missing cat at night, as cats are nocturnal and may be more likely to approach the trap during the darker hours.
Once you've selected the right trap, follow these steps on how to catch a lost cat:


Place traps in the location you've chosen, based on your research and understanding of your cat's behavior.


Camouflage the trap with surrounding foliage or other natural elements to help it blend into the environment.


Place bait inside the trap, using the tips we've provided to entice your cat.


Make the trap comfortable for your cat by adding a soft blanket and familiar items.


Monitor the trap using trail cameras, or check on it frequently if using a manual door trap.

humane trap
Tip: Camouflaging your trap can make it seem less threatening and more natural to your cat, increasing the likelihood of a successful capture.

Making the trap comfortable for your cat is crucial in successful trapping efforts.

Baiting the trap

Choosing the right bait is essential to lure your lost cat into the trap. Use strong-smelling foods that your cat can't resist, such as:

Canned cat food

Wet food

Tuna or canned fish

Cooked chicken or turkey

Here are some tips for arranging bait inside the trap:


Place a small amount of food near the entrance to entice the cat.


Put the majority of the bait at the back of the trap to encourage the cat to enter fully.


Use a small dish or flat container to hold the bait, making it easily accessible.


If using a spring-loaded or automatic trap, ensure the bait is positioned to trigger the trap mechanism.

A cat lured to a bowl of food
Tip: Not all cats respond to catnip. If you notice that your cat doesn't seem interested, try using a pheromone spray instead. Remember, be patient and consistent, and read up on more essential strategies for catching a lost cat.

Best practices for trapping cats

Choosing the right location for your cat trap is crucial to increasing your chances of success. Here are some factors to consider when deciding where to place the trap:

Familiarity: Set up the trap in an area your cat is familiar with, such as your backyard or a spot they frequently visited.

Visibility: Ensure the trap is visible and easily accessible to your cat, but not overly exposed to other animals or people.

Quiet and sheltered: Cats are more likely to approach a trap placed in a quiet, sheltered area, away from loud noises or heavy foot traffic.

Feeding spots: If you've noticed your cat eating from a specific location, such as a neighbor's pet food bowl, consider placing the trap nearby.

Evidence of presence: Look for signs your cat has been in the area, such as paw prints or fur, and place the trap nearby to capitalize on their established territory. Learn how to track a cat with our expert techniques.

‍⬛ Did you know: Cats are territorial creatures and are likely to return to places they're familiar with. Learn more about why cats go missing and how to prevent it.

Choosing the right location for your cat trap is crucial to increasing your chances of success. To further increase your chances, read our article on how to trap a lost cat.

A cat hiding in a garden

Creating a scent trail to guide the cat to the trap

A scent trail is a series of familiar smells that can lead your lost cat towards the trap. Cats have an incredible sense of smell, so using items that carry their scent or your scent can be highly effective in luring them back. Here are some items to use for creating a scent trail:

Your cat's used litter or bedding: This will remind them of their safe, familiar space.

Your own worn clothes or socks: Your scent can be comforting and attractive to your cat.

Your cat's favorite toys or treats: These can create a sense of familiarity and comfort.

A blanket or pillowcase from your bed: Again, your scent can be a powerful lure.

Used food bowls or dishes: The scent of food can be very enticing for a hungry, lost cat.

Strategically place these items around the area where you plan to set the trap, making sure they form a continuous path. This will create a comforting and familiar environment that your cat will be more likely to approach.
Catnip and pheromone sprays can be a powerful tool in your trapping arsenal. These products contain scents that cats find irresistible, making them more likely to approach the trap. To use them effectively:


Spray catnip or pheromone spray around the trap and nearby hiding spots.


Apply the spray to the items used in the scent trail.


Reapply every few hours or as needed, following the product's instructions.

Making the trap more comfortable for the cat

Trapped cats will become very distressed when the trap door closes. To make the trap more comfortable:

Add a soft blanket or towel to the bottom of the trap.

Place familiar items, such as toys or bedding, inside the trap.

Camouflage the trap with surrounding foliage, making it appear more like a natural hiding spot.

Ensure the trap is level and stable, preventing it from wobbling or tipping.

two cats hiding in the woods
Did You Know?: Cats have a natural tendency to seek out warm, cozy spots. Adding a soft blanket or towel can make the trap seem more inviting and safe for your cat. For more insights, check out our article on lost cat behavior.

A comfortable and inviting trap is more likely to successfully capture a lost cat.

Monitoring the trap

Anxious cat owners will find solace in using trail cameras to monitor the trap area. These nifty devices can help you keep an eye on the trap remotely, providing real-time updates on your lost cat's whereabouts. To make the most of your trail camera setup, consider the following tips:

Place cameras at various angles to cover a wider area

Set the camera to take photos or videos at regular intervals

Make sure the camera is well-hidden to avoid scaring your cat

Use a camera with night vision capabilities for round-the-clock monitoring. Learn more about how to find a lost cat at night.

Check battery life and memory capacity to ensure continuous operation Trail camera monitoring a cat trap

Tip: Using a trail camera with motion detection can alert you when your cat is near the trap, allowing for timely intervention if needed.
trail camera

Signs your cat is nearby but avoiding the trap

Sometimes, a lost cat might be close, but hesitant to enter the trap. Keep an eye out for these common signs that your cat is nearby but avoiding the trap:

Cat tracks or paw prints around the trap area

Displaced items or knocked over objects

Unusual noises, such as meowing or rustling sounds

Sightings of your cat by neighbors or passersby

Evidence of your cat eating the bait but not entering the trap

If your cat is close but not taking the bait, try adjusting your approach. You might consider moving the trap to a more concealed location, switching up the bait, or adding additional familiar scents to the trap. Learn how to get your cat out of hiding with more tips and tricks.
Tip: Patience is key when trying to trap a lost cat. Don't get discouraged if your cat doesn't immediately take the bait. Keep trying different strategies and remain persistent.
a cat spotted outside

Troubleshooting common trapping issues

Trapping a lost cat can present some challenges, but with patience and perseverance, you'll overcome them. Here are some common issues and their solutions:

Other animals entering the trap: Use smaller openings or a cat-specific trigger mechanism to prevent non-target animals from getting trapped.

Cat not entering the trap: Experiment with different baits, scents, or trap placements.

Trap not functioning properly: Regularly inspect and test the trap to ensure it's in good working order.

Weather conditions affecting the trap: Protect the trap from rain or direct sunlight by placing it under a shelter or using a weatherproof cover.

Unsuccessful trapping attempts: Consult with local pet rescue organizations or experienced trappers for guidance and support.

A lost cat may take some time to trust the trap. Be patient and persistent in your efforts.

Preparing for the worst: When trapping is unsuccessful

Despite your best efforts, there may be times when trapping your lost cat is unsuccessful. It's natural to feel disheartened, but don't lose hope. There are alternative strategies to explore, and it's important to remember that every situation is unique.

Expand your search area: Consider extending the search radius, as your cat may have wandered further than anticipated.

Utilize social media and local resources: Post about your lost cat on social media, contact local shelters, and notify your neighbors. Learn more about how to spread the word effectively on Facebook.

Hire a pet detective or tracker: Professionals with experience in finding lost pets may be able to offer valuable assistance. Here's our guide on reporting a missing cat to help you get started.

Check hiding spots regularly: Revisit areas where your cat might hide, as they could return to the same spot multiple times. Discover the top hiding spots for cats outside to know where to look.

Don't give up: Persistence is key, and many lost cats have been reunited with their owners after weeks or even months. Try contacting the local shelter to see if they can help you. They will often attend to reports of stray or feral cats that need trapping.

Start a PetRadar search: We can help you locate your kitty by spreading the message to thousands of your neighbors on social media. Through reported sightings, you'll be more likely to find your cat. We've already found over 10,000 cats this way!

cat detective


What is the best bait for a cat trap?

The best bait for a cat trap is strong-smelling food. This could include tuna, wet cat food, and treats.

Is it okay to trap a stray cat?

Yes, it is okay to trap a stray cat as long as you are using humane traps. This will help you get them the care they need safely.

How long can I keep a cat in a trap?

You shouldn't keep a cat in a trap for longer than an hour or two. It can be a very distressing environment for cats, so getting them in a more comfortable environment should be your priority.

Can a cat escape from a trap?

If a humane trap isn't properly secured, a cat may be able to escape. However, if you use a drop trap, it's very unlikely they'll be able to escape.

What to do after trapping a cat?

After you have trapped a cat, you should cover the trap to try and calm the cat. Take them to a quiet and secure environment and get them the help they need.


So, whether you want to trap feral cats or you're trying to get your beloved pet back home safe, we hope this guide has helped.
If you are still looking for your lost kitty, start a PetRadar search. We'll do all we can to get your furry friend back to you and support you through the process. In the meantime, head over to our blog for more handy info about caring for cats.

Remember, your dedication speaks volumes about your love for your cat. Keep faith and stay hopeful; your bond can guide your cat back home.

Written by

Image of the author
Lauren Jeffries

In this blog, I combine my two areas of expertise: pets and writing. I share my personal experiences alongside plenty of animal behavior research to help owners look after their pets. I have always lived with furry friends and am now a loving cat mum to two orange kitties.

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