How to Catch a Lost Cat: Your Essential Guide

A lost cat caught in a humane trap

Key takeaways

Trapping or catching a cat is notoriously difficult. They are brilliant escape artists, and chasing them will only make them run further.

It's essential you take the best steps to catch your cat when you find them, otherwise, you may risk them running away again, and this time, even further.

In this guide, we explore the top three techniques to catch your kitty, before exploring the best ways to comfort them when they're home.

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  1. Key takeaways
  2. How to catch lost cats
  3. What to do when they're home
  4. FAQs
  5. Final thoughts

How to catch lost cats

Now you've found your pesky little adventurer, it's time to catch them and get them home. However, sometimes, this is the most difficult part.
A lost cat will often be in survival mode, meaning its fight-or-flight instinct has been triggered. This results in a very scared cat that will try to avoid any interactions with people or other animals for their own safety.
But don't worry. There are plenty of effective ways to catch your kitty and get them home safely.
A lost cat wandering home

Trap them

When you find a lost cat, getting close to them can feel like an impossible task, even if you're their beloved owner. This is because they will feel vulnerable outside of their territory and will struggle to trust anyone. This is usually more likely for indoor cats who haven't had experience in the great outdoors. They are likely pretty overwhelmed!
The best solution to safely catch an indoor-only cat is through a humane trap. These are safe contraptions that lure your cat into them and close once your cat is inside. You can then transport the trap into your home and release your beloved cat.
If you don't know where to start, contact animal control. They will be able to provide the trap and set it up for you, while giving you expert advice on your next steps.
Here are some top tips for catching your missing cat:

Set up wildlife cameras: Capturing footage around your house and in the area where you spotted your lost cat can help you decide where to put your traps.

Disguise the trap: Covering the trap with sheets or blankets will make it more likely your kitty will venture inside.

Use strong-smelling food: Cats have an excellent sense of smell and it's likely your lost cat is pretty hungry! By placing strong smelling food into the trap, you'll make it easier for your furry friend to find it and tuck in!

There are also important things to remember in order to trap your cat safely:

Traps can attract other wildlife and pets, so checking it regularly is essential

Don't leave your cat in the trap for too long otherwise they will become even more distressed

Place your trap in a safe place so you don't lure your cat into a dangerous situation

a humane trap to catch a lost cat

Lure them home

If you are reluctant to use humane traps just yet, you can still tap into their strong sense of smell by trying to lure them back home. This works well if you have an open cat door so they can easily come back inside themselves. Alternatively, if you live rurally, you can leave windows and doors open.
To lure them back, try the following:

Leave food outside: Lost cat behavior usually follows instinctual decisions, one of which is the need to seek food. Leaving their favorite treats outside your house and some strong-smelling food, like tuna and other tinned fish, can be very effective in luring them back home.

Leave their litter box outside: The most attractive smell for your kitty will be their territory, and their litter box will have the strongest scent. Leaving this outside can help your furry friend find their way home, but be careful as it can also attract other cats and wildlife.

Leave toys, blankets, and clothes outside: Any item that your cat has left their scent on will also be effective in luring them home, like old toys and linen.

Open up doors and windows: Our cats also have fantastic hearing, and we can tap into this to lure them home. As well as calling their name regularly, open up doors and windows so familiar sounds from the house can travel further.

A lost cat lured back home by food left out


If you have found your cat in a relatively secure environment, you can opt to sit down and wait until they feel comfortable enough to come to you. When they do, you can pick them up and take them home safely. Now, this can take a while, so preparation and patience are essential as it’s one of the most effective ways to catch your kitty.
Try the following:

Bring treats: Bringing an offering can help your cat take an interest in you and can convince them to come over and check you out.

Play a familiar sound: When my kitty went missing, we recorded the sound of our front door opening, which indicated it was dinner time. When we finally found them, we played this noise over and over again until, eventually, he came over to us!

Don't approach them: Your cat's fight-or-flight mode will mean they'll be more skittish than usual, so avoid approaching them or walking towards them, as this can cause them to run further away.

Talk to them: Our furry friends can recognize specific vocal patterns, and yours will be most familiar to them! Continually talking to them can help them remember that you are safe.

two cat owners trying to catch their lost cat

What to do when they're home

When you've finally got them home safely, it's important you give them the care they need. It's likely they're a little traumatized after their adventures, so be sure to do the following.

Secure the house

Your furry friend will probably still be in survival mode, as it can take a while for them to relax back into their normal routines and feel comfortable and safe again. For this reason, there’s still a high chance that they will run away again.
This is why it's essential you keep the house secure. Make sure:

All windows are closed

All doors are closed

You take extra care when leaving and entering the house

Top Tip: Keeping your kitty in one room with everything they need for a day can actually help them feel safer. As long as they have plenty of hiding places and some company and cuddles, they'll soon relax!
An lost cat secured in the house after being caught

Check them over

Checking missing cats once they're home is an essential step for your pet's wellbeing. Unfortunately, being lost in the great outdoors can make it much more likely for your kitty to get injured. Traffic accidents, fights with other wildlife and cats, and becoming trapped are all common for a lost kitty, and it's essential you get them the care they need as soon as possible.
Check for:

Malnourishment: If they look visibly thinner and their coat doesn't look healthy, they may be malnourished.

Surface injuries: Check your kitty for scratches and cuts, as these can quickly become infected if your cat is struggling to heal.

Other injuries: Broken limbs are also very common among feral cats and cats that spend a lot of time outdoors. Look out for limping when your kitty is walking, or holding their paw up when they are sitting.

A sick lost cat resting after being caught

Take them to a vet

Even if you don't find any signs of injury or illness when you check your kitty, you should still take them to the vet. Being outdoors increases the chance of flea infestations, catching diseases from other cats, and not getting the nutrients they need to be happy and healthy.
Your vet will be able to recommend the best ways to care for your cat going forward to make sure they get back to their usual selves as quickly as possible.
“Being outdoors increases the chance of flea infestations, catching diseases from other cats, and not getting the nutrients they need to be happy and healthy.”
A lost cat being checked over by a vet


How do I capture my lost cat?

To capture your lost cat, you'll need to be very patient. Do not approach them directly or attempt to pick them up, and never chase them! Instead, sit patiently with some treats and wait for your cat to come to you. If they are reluctant, you may need to use a humane trap.

How can I attract my lost cat?

To attract your lost cat, you need to tap into their strong sense of smell. Leave out strong-smelling foods, like canned tuna, familiar-smelling clothes and toys, and their litter box.

How to catch a cat that runs away?

Never chase a cat that runs away when you are trying to catch them. Instead, you should sit patiently with some treats and lure them to you. If this doesn't work, try a humane trap.

What are the chances of finding a lost cat?

The chances of finding a lost cat are around 70%. This means you are more likely to find your missing kitty than not!

How to catch a stray cat without a trap?

If you're trying to catch a stray cat without a trap, you should sit patiently with treats to lure them to you. Don't approach them, grab them, or chase them.

How do cats survive when they run away?

Cats survive when they run away by hunting for food and finding shelter. However, an indoor cat may not have the necessary experience of the outdoors to survive predators and cold weather for too long.

Will a cat come back if they run away?

Many cats do come back if they run away, as they have natural homing abilities. However, you shouldn't wait for this to happen. Instead, actively search for them and report them missing to local animal shelters.

Final thoughts

If you're really struggling, why not call local shelters or animal control for some advice? They can also help provide you with resources, like humane traps.
Remember, if your cat still isn't home, start a PetRadar search. We'll alert over 4,000 of your neighbors to your missing cat so more people are on the lookout, and our team of animal lovers will be with you every step of the way.

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Lauren Jeffries

In this blog, I combine my two areas of expertise: pets and writing. I share my personal experiences alongside plenty of animal behavior research to help owners look after their pets. I have always lived with furry friends and am now a loving cat mum to two orange kitties.

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