Finding a Lost German Shepherd: Essential Advice for Owners

Key takeaways

Finding a lost pet can be distressing and time consuming. It can feel like an impossible task, especially if your high-energy German shepherd has gone missing.

However, this happens often because of our pups' need for adventure and exercise.

We've broken down how to find your German shepherd into 3 simple steps so you and your pet can be reunited as soon as possible!

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  1. Key takeaways
  2. How to find a lost German shepherd
  3. Why do German shepherds run away?
  4. FAQs
  5. Final thoughts

How to find a lost German shepherd

Finding a lost German Shepherd can be difficult. Their ability to run for miles and endless curiosity means owners often feel hopeless if they've run away. But don't worry. Finding your lost dog can be made simple. And, after all, 90% of lost dogs are found, so the odds are in your favor! (source)
A lost German shepherd sat next to a bench in a park

1. A thorough physical search

The most important thing to do is start a thorough physical search. The majority of lost pets are found using this method. Don't assume they'll find their way home. Instead, start looking far and wide.
Use the following checklist:

Look for signs of escape: An open gate, a broken fence, or a hole are all indications that your pup escaped from your backyard. Finding these clues will give you an idea of where they went next.

Check outbuildings: Garages, sheds, and bin stores all make perfect places for your pup to explore. However, they are also easy places for your furry friend to become trapped. Doors can slam shut and windows can be difficult to get out of again, so make sure you check all areas where your German shepherd could be stuck.

Search your neighbors' yards: If your dog is sociable, it's likely they're out seeking new friends. The best place to do this? Your neighbors' yards, especially if they have dogs. With permission, ask to search around their houses and their outbuildings. Don't just stop at your immediate neighbors. Be sure to search your whole street because if your pup has picked up on a scent they can wander for miles!

Search further afield: Now you've checked your immediate area, it's time to venture further. Try local shops, fields, farms, woods, town centers, and parks. If your lost pet is adventurous, they'll have no problem making friends in the park. However, if you have a more timid dog, they may be hiding in quieter back streets.

A German shepherd exploring their neighbors' back yard
Follow these top tips to make sure your search is effective:

Bring their favorite toys (preferably ones that make sound so you can attract them to you)

Bring food and treats

Bring their leash

Call their name gently

Be patient

A pet owner searching a back yard for their lost dog

2. Start a PetRadar search

Alongside your own search, you can start a PetRadar search. This will make sure you reach as many people as possible when spreading the word about your lost dog.
All you need to do is select the radius where you think your dog may be. We then create sponsored posts that advertise your missing dog. These posts will pop up on your neighbors' Facebook and Instagram feeds. Here, they can save the post or report a sighting.
It's the modern missing pet poster. Instead of pinning a flyer up on a street and hoping people will take notice, you can rest assured knowing your digital poster is reaching over 4,000 people in your area.
We also:

Provide you with a personal dashboard to manage your search and keep an eye on sightings

Send you a printable lost dog poster so you can distribute it physically

List your lost pet on our site

Give you guidance and support throughout the process

PetRadar's free downloadable missing pet poster

3. Lure them back home

Don't wait for your lost dog to find their way home. Instead, take steps to lure them back home. German Shepherds have incredible homing abilities because of their powerful senses. In fact, they can smell up to 12 miles away and hear very high frequencies, allowing them to determine locations from sound (source).
To tap into this superpower, try the following:

Leave food outside: While it may also attract some unwanted wildlife, leaving food outside your home can help attract your lost dog. They are likely pretty hungry, and the smell will help guide them back to their house.

Leave strong-smelling items outside: One of the most important scents for dogs is their territory and their family. That's you! Try leaving blankets, clothes, and toys outside to help your pup recognize their home.

Open up windows and doors: The familiar sounds of your household should help your pup find their way home. Opening up your doors and windows will let the sounds travel further!

💡 Top Tip: Make sure you contact your microchip company where your dog is registered to report your dog missing. You can also update the information on the chip to make sure it's accurate.
A blanket and some food left on a trail to attract a lost dog

Why do German shepherds run away?

It's a horrible question for owners to ask, and often we blame ourselves if our dog has decided to run away. However, the majority of the time it's got nothing to do with us, and more to do with their instincts.


German Shepherds are extremely high-energy animals. Without an appropriate outlet for this, they'll begin misbehaving. This is through no fault of their own. They are bred to run and if they can't get this through walks, they'll take themselves on their own adventure.
To avoid this, make sure you are regularly exercising your furry friend. German Shepherds need at least two hours of exercise every single day. If you can't commit to this, use a dog walker or a doggy daycare service.
A high-energy German shepherd running away from its owner


Dogs are naturally neophilic, meaning they are attracted to new smells (source). This means when they detect a scent they haven't encountered before, they must explore it further. This, paired with their natural, adventurous personalities, makes German shepherds very curious dogs.
You can prevent their curiosity from causing them to run away by:

Taking them on lots of different walks so they don't become bored

Train them to come back on command if they catch a scent

Keep them on the leash when they're exploring somewhere for the first time

A curious German shepherd exploring a woods and a lake


While we may think our dogs are our little babies, they are animals after all. They are still motivated by instincts that are near impossible to ignore. This can include:

Hunting: German shepherds have a high prey drive which means they'll often chase small animals like squirrels, birds, or even other smaller dogs or cats. Your dog may run for miles before they realize how far they have traveled, making them likely to become lost.

Mating: If you haven't neutered your female dog they are likely to run away when they are on heat. This is because their instinct to breed is incredibly strong. Similarly, if your male dog catches the scent of a female on heat they can run for miles to try and find them. If you know your dog is in heat, keep them inside!

A German shepherd pouncing on its prey as it hunts


Would a German Shepherd survive in the wild?

Because of their intelligence and high prey drive, German shepherds would be able to survive in the wild. They can withstand low temperatures and can hunt well.

What are the odds of finding a lost dog?

90% of lost dogs are found, so the odds of finding your lost pet are high.

How long can a German Shepherd stay outside?

A German shepherd can stay outside indefinitely. As long as they have access to water, food, and shelter and the temperatures don't drop too low, they will be able to survive.

How long can a lost dog survive?

A lost dog can survive for a long time because of their ability to run, hunt, and adapt to their environment. However, they can only survive 72 hours without water.

Are German Shepherds known for escaping?

Because German shepherds are highly intelligent, they are known for escaping. They need a lot of stimulation, so if they are left alone for too long, not exercised enough, or neglected, they will likely escape and run away.

How do I stop my German Shepherd from running away?

To stop your German shepherd from running away, make sure you are giving them enough attention and stimulation. Change up your trails, don't leave them alone, and exercise them for at least two hours a day.

Will a German Shepherd stay in the yard?

A German shepherd can stay in the yard if they are getting enough exercise and attention throughout the day. It's also important to make sure they aren't outside if temperatures drop too low.

Final thoughts

As an owner, your pet is part of the family, so we understand just how heartbreaking it can be when they go missing. We've reunited 8000+ pets with their owners using advertising on social media apps and websites like Facebook and Instagram. This way, your whole neighborhood can be on watch for your furry friend.
Let us help you by starting a PetRadar search. We'll support you throughout the whole process and do all we can to get your pup back to you.

Written by

Image of the author
Lauren Jeffries

In this blog, I combine my two areas of expertise: pets and writing. I share my personal experiences alongside plenty of animal behavior research to help owners look after their pets. I have always lived with furry friends and am now a loving cat mum to two orange kitties.

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