What to do When Your Cat is in Heat: Caring for Your Furry Friend

Key takeaways

Unneutered female cats will go into heat when they're fertile and able to get pregnant.

It can be distressing for owners when you don't know how to care for your kitty during this time.

In this guide, we're answering the important questions and offering our expert advice and tips on how to care for your furry friend during this period.

Quick Navigation

  1. Key takeaways
  2. What does it mean when a cat is in heat?
  3. How to care for a cat in heat
  4. Do cats in heat run away?
  5. FAQs
  6. Conclusion

What does it mean when a cat is in heat?

When someone says a cat is in heat, this is referring to their heat cycle. This is when female cats are in their fertile season and can get pregnant.
If they aren't spayed, they usually experience these cycles multiple times throughout the year, around 2-3 weeks apart. They can start as young as four months old, so it's important for the wellbeing of your kitty to get them spayed if you aren't breeding them.
female cat in heat sat outside

Signs your female cat is in heat

It's usually quite easy to tell when a cat is in heat. Their usual behavior and routines will change because their instincts will tell them to find a mate.
Look out for the following signals that your cat is in their fertile season:

Very loud yowling and other vocalizations

Acting very affectionately

Feeling restless

Arching their back

Excessively grooming themselves

Rolling on the floor

female cat in heat trying to escape out of a window

How to care for a cat in heat

This may be a stressful time for your kitty. They won't be feeling like their usual selves, and they may need a bit of extra comfort to avoid stress and anxiety.

Keep her entertained

It's important to keep your kitty entertained during her heat cycle. This will help distract your unspayed female cat from the urge and instinct to mate.

Playing: Using cat toys to distract your cat in heat can be very effective. They'll likely be even more responsive to stimuli like laser toys and wind-up mice, and it'll help them stop focusing on mating. This can also help prevent boredom if they don't have access to the outdoors.

Cuddling: Your cat will be extra affectionate during heat cycles, so it's the perfect time to get those fluffy snuggles in. Remember to keep boundaries in place and read your cat's body language to prevent your kitty from getting overstimulated and aggressive.

Training: If you have trained your cat before, this is a great time to practice some tricks. This can be the perfect distraction as it's very rewarding and enjoyable for your kitty. It also provides an opportunity for you to bond further with your furry friend.

Treats: During your cat's heat cycle, they're going to be a little confused. And what offers better comfort than a tasty treat? A few extra snacks won't hurt, so why not spoil your furry friend?

a cat owner cuddling their cat

Keep her safe

When your cat is in their heat cycle, they will attract male cats looking to mate. It's essential that you keep her safe from other cats, as they may injure or harm your kitty. This will also help prevent unwanted pregnancy.
Make sure you:

Keep doors and windows securely shut: Not only will keeping your house secure stop male cats from entering, but it'll also help prevent the scent of your cat in heat from attracting them. Trust us, other cat owners will thank you!

Tape up cat flaps and cat doors: If you usually have a cat flap or door, make sure it's bordered up or taped shut. This will prevent any confident explorers from coming into the house!

Don't let your cat outside: It's important to keep your cat strictly indoors when they are in heat. They will attract too much attention and have the potential to roam for miles to find a mate.

cat sat next to a closed window

Use a plug-in relaxer

If your unspayed cat is really struggling to regulate her behavior during the season, then a plug-in relaxer might do the trick. These cause no harm to your kitty but release a pheromone that they find comforting and relaxing.
Top Tip: Try a product like Feliway and see if it works to relax your furry friend!

Keep her litter box clean

During the breeding season, your cat may feel an instinct to mark their territory more than usual. This can include urinating in places they wouldn't usually.
To avoid any messes around the house, it's essential you keep their litter box clean. Cats are notoriously hygienic, and a dirty litter box can cause even more undue stress.

During the breeding season, your cat may feel an instinct to mark their territory more than usual. This can include urinating in places they wouldn't usually.

Do cats in heat run away?

When a cat is in heat, they are very likely to try to run away. The instinct to mate is very strong, and they won't rest until they find a male cat or until they're cycle finishes.
Even if your cat usually has access to the outdoors and you live in a safe environment, you shouldn't let them outside. They will roam further than usual which can result in them becoming displaced. This is when a cat is outside of their territory and becomes disoriented and lost.
Expert Insight: While cats can usually find their way around well, if they are displaced, they will no longer have the visual cues and scent markers that tell them how to get home.
cat in heat sat outside surrounded by lots of other cats

How to prevent your cat from running away

To prevent this from happening, you mustn't let them outside. During their heat cycle, be extra careful coming in and out of the house, as your female cat will become an expert escape artist. Try using a baby gate as a barrier so your kitty can't run straight up to the door.
Also, make sure you don't open any windows. Even if you feel like you need a nice breeze through your house, your furry friend will be out in a shot.
a cat looking out of a closed window

How to find a lost cat

If your cat in heat has run away, don't despair. You need to be proactive to get them back home safely, so use the following steps:


Report them missing: As soon as you realize your kitty has gone, report them missing to local vets, animal shelters, the microchip company, and animal control. This will help spread the message and ensure all is being done to get them back to you.


Physically search for them: The most effective method of finding a lost cat is to physically search for them. So get outside with some treats and a flashlight and gently call their name. Check out the most likely hiding spots in our guide.


Tell the neighbors: The more people who know about your missing cat the better. Your neighbors will keep an eye out and may even join the search effort.


Print missing cat posters: To reach more people, it can be effective to distribute missing cat posters around towns and villages in the area.


Start a PetRadar search: A fantastic and easy way to spread the message is through PetRadar. We'll alert over 4000 people in your area through sponsored posts on Facebook and Instagram. We've already reunited over 10,000 cats with their owners this way, so you're in good hands!

neighbors looking for a lost cat


How can I help when my cat is in heat?

To help your cat when they're in heat, create a calm environment and give them lots of attention and cuddles.

How long does a cat in heat last?

Most cats are in heat for 7 days. However, it can often last longer and shorter.

Is heat painful for cats?

No, being in heat is not painful for cats.

What not to do when your cat is in heat?

Don't let your cat outside when they are in heat. You will risk them running far away to try and find a cat to mate with.

How long do cats bleed in heat?

Most cats do not bleed when they are in heat.

How many times a year does a cat go into heat?

Cats can go into heat every few weeks if they are not neutered.


In conclusion, understanding your cat's behavior is key to ensuring their well-being and preventing them from running away or getting injured when they're in heat.
Remember, the best way to care for your cat is by being aware of their needs, providing a safe and comforting space, and seeking professional help when necessary.
Stay attuned to your cat's feelings, and you'll both enjoy a happier, healthier life together.

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Image of the author
Lauren Jeffries

In this blog, I combine my two areas of expertise: pets and writing. I share my personal experiences alongside plenty of animal behavior research to help owners look after their pets. I have always lived with furry friends and am now a loving cat mum to two orange kitties.

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