Cat Disappeared Without a Trace? Follow These 4 Steps
Key takeaways
Cats usually travel around half a mile (0.8km) in a single day. However, if they are lost, this can increase significantly. One particular cat managed to travel 32 miles a day for a week to get home!
The quicker you design and distribute a poster, the quicker you'll locate your lost cat.
With 4.9 billion people worldwide on social media, it's an incredible resource that can be super helpful when you're trying to locate your best cat buddy. Share a digital missing cat poster to reach as many people as possible.
Your local animal shelter will have the most useful and relevant information for your area.
Statistically, you are likely to find your cat, even when they have disappeared without a trace. Follow our 4 simple steps to make sure this happens.
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Key takeaways
1. Check the house
2. Search outside for your missing cat
3. Contact local animal shelters
4. Use social media
5 Reasons why cats disappear without a trace
Cats, by their nature, are curious creatures. And that's why we love them, right? But it's also what causes a lot of stress for worried pet parents. One minute, they could be snuggled at the bottom of the bed. Next, they're gone. So, if your cat has disappeared without a trace, read this article to find out what to do next, and why it might have happened.
1. Check the house
Whether you have an indoor cat or an outdoor cat, it's essential you check the house from top to bottom before you start to panic. Our feline friends are masters at hide and seek, whether you know you're playing or not. Be sure to check the following places.
Open up the doors
Start by opening up all of the doors in the house. Don't just stop at bedrooms, complete the checklist below to be extra thorough.
Drawers (yep, the perfect hiding place)
Don't worry if your cat doesn't immediately appear. They may still be sleeping somewhere, or just enjoying the game! Now the doors are open, it means they won't be trapped.
Move the furniture around
There have been countless times when I and many cat owners alike think the worst. When your cat vanishes into thin air, it's easy to immediately think of cat nappers and unfriendly wild animals. However, the likelihood is that they are simply hidden in the house rather than exploring an abandoned building.
For this reason, you need to move your furniture around to make sure you're not missing any obvious nooks and crannies. Use the following checklist:
Lift sofas up and move them
Lift chairs up and move them
Check under beds
Check behind heavy furniture like drawers and wardrobes
Lift desks and coffee tables and move them
Pull out TV stands and bookshelves
Even if you don't find them sleeping peacefully, this kind of disruption to their home should attract your curious kitties. So, it's still a useful activity.
Check for holes in the walls
It's unlikely, but it is entirely possible. Cats find all of the secret tunnels and passageways available to them. So, it's likely your indoor cat has already figured out a few ways to escape. One of these is often finding cavities in drywall.
If you're certain there's no way for this to happen in your home, skip to the next step. If there is a chance, make sure you do the following:
Turn off all appliances that may be making sounds.
Pull out dishwashers, washing machines, refrigerators, and dryers to check for holes in the walls.
Go around the house softly knocking on the walls and waiting to hear a response (a quiet meow).
If you do hear your kitty, you'll need to find the hole. It's most likely not far from where your furry friend is, so start searching the walls there and work your way out. Grab a pack of your cat's favorite treats and use the smell and sound of them to lure them back to the entrance point.
"Cats find all of the secret tunnels and passageways available to them. So, it's likely your indoor cat has already figured out a few ways to escape."
2. Search outside for your missing cat
Pet owners, don't despair if you didn't find your cat indoors. It's now time to branch out and search for your lost cat outside your home. It can feel quite overwhelming when you consider all of the places your missing cat could be. But remember, your beloved pet is unlikely to have traveled too far. So, instead of panicking, stay calm and follow our advice.
Top Tip: Take steps to lure your cat back home, as well as searching for them.
Many lost cats are found in the owner's garden or surrounding space. For outdoor cats, this goes without saying. However, indoor cats aren't used to the outside world so it's important to try and locate them as soon as possible. Be sure to follow our checklist:
Under cars: Scared cats often find cars are a safe hiding place. However, for obvious reasons, this can be extremely dangerous. There is the risk of the car moving (although it's likely your kitty will move as soon as they hear the engine), but there is also the risk of oil dripping on their fur. This can be toxic, so make checking under cars your first priority.
Hedges and bushes: A thick hedge or bush can be an easy place for a cat to become stuck. Thorns and sharp twigs can cause injury, so remember to always be calling your cat's name and making noise as you look, to avoid startling them.
Up trees: A cat stuck in a tree is a cliche for a reason! Keep an ear out for meows higher than you would have expected.
In sheds: If your shed door was open, it could have closed in the wind, trapping your cat. Also, old sheds will likely have holes, broken windows, or even broken roofs, making it an easy place for a curious cat to wander in, but a difficult place to escape.
Bins: If your cats are anything like mine, a whiff of an intriguing food source is enough to spark an adventure. Including the delicious smell of old bins. So, be sure to double-check where you keep your waste.
Surprisingly small spaces: Cats aren't like any other animals. The internet craze of 'liquid cats' has proven to us that our feline friends can morph into pretty much any shape they want. For this reason, make sure you check any small space in your garden or drive. The time of day can impact the success of your searches. Check out our full guide on how to rescue cats at night. \
"A cat stuck in a tree is a cliche for a reason! Keep an ear out for meows higher than you would have expected."
Whether they are cat lovers or dog lovers, we're sure that in a time of need your neighbors will want to help you out. Often, when a cat disappears without a trace, they are making friends with the family next door. For this reason, it's important to check in on the houses either side of you. Here are some top tips:
Join a neighborhood WhatsApp chat: These can be super helpful in spreading information far and wide, quickly. You can also easily send updates, images, and alerts to the whole of your street.
Start a PetRadar search: By starting a PetRadar search, you can scale your efforts to more neighbors.
Ask to check the neighboring gardens: Repeat the steps for checking your outside space in as many neighboring gardens as possible. However, remember to respect boundaries. If you ask politely and they refuse access, move on to the next house.
Ask neighbors to check their houses: If they have an open backdoor or even a catflap, your missing kitty may have snuck in without drawing any attention. Ask your neighbors to repeat the steps we outlined for searching the house.
Explore further afield
If your lost cat is still making no appearance, it might be time to explore a little further afield. Cats are smart animals and have a range of incredible senses to help them find their way home. However, sometimes they may struggle to locate their surroundings. Especially if you've recently moved. Read our tips and tricks for expanding your search area.
Design and print a poster: The quicker you design and distribute a poster, the quicker you'll locate your lost cat. Check out our complete guide to creating a missing cat flyer to ensure it's as effective as possible. You can also begin using PetRadar for a free downloadable template. Be sure to pin up flyers in places where people gather. This can include community halls, shops, and parks.
Think about your cat's behavior: Every cat is different, and their individual experiences will determine how they behave when they are lost. For example, an indoor cat will likely stay away from roads and instead find somewhere quiet and secluded to stay safe. Whereas an adventurous outdoor cat is more likely to explore further and may be more sociable with neighbors.
Spread the word: As well as posting flyers, try and talk to as many people as possible to let them know the situation. Ask people to add you to social media groups or post on your behalf to spread the message further. The more awareness the better.
[[quote]]"Cats are smart animals and have a range of incredible senses to help them find their way home."[[/quote]]
3. Contact local animal shelters
Local animal shelters are incredibly important organizations to help reunite lost and found pets with their owners. Alongside this, they are a great resource for helpful advice and comfort in this emotionally distressing time. When you contact local shelters, be sure to follow these steps:
Provide details and images of your cat
All details are important. When did your cat go missing? Are they a lost kitten or a senior cat? Unspayed cats, male cats, and female cats will all behave differently so provide your local shelter with all the information possible.
This includes images, especially photos of distinctive features like white socks, or a stripey tail!
Ask for advice
Your local animal shelter will have the most useful and relevant information for your area. This could include:
Nearby hiding spots
Humane trap use
Abandoned buildings where many cats seek shelter
Why cats disappear
Visit multiple animal shelters
When cats go missing they can travel far. In fact, if your pet is disoriented or lost, they can travel much further than they're usual half a mile (0.8km) in a single day. For this reason, it's important to check as many animal shelters as possible. Make sure you call beforehand to see if they are open for visitors and also to ask whether they have found any new cats recently.
4. Use social media
With 4.9 billion people worldwide on social media, it's an incredible resource that can be super helpful when you're trying to locate your best cat buddy. Thankfully, the internet is full of cat parents invested in helping each other out. So, why wouldn't you utilize it? Here are some of the best ways to use social media when trying to find your lost cat.
When your cat has disappeared without a trace, it's hard to know where to start. Paid advertisements are a great way to reach a lot of people quickly. This means paying for advertisements on platforms like Facebook and Instagram so the people in your area will see that your cat is missing. Think of it as the modern-day missing cat poster.
At PetRadar, we simplify the process for you and manage all reported sightings of your cat. We also organize the advertisements for you once you have chosen how many neighbors you'd like to reach. While we are advertising and analytics partners, we prioritize supporting you emotionally through the worrisome period.
Join neighborhood groups
Most neighborhoods have at least one dedicated Facebook group to update each other on important information. These are great places to spread the message of your lost cat as soon as possible and to as many people in your immediate area.
If you live in a block of flats, why not pin up a note with your number in a common area and ask to be added to a group? Or simply search your street or area on Facebook and browse the various pages available.
Post on your personal accounts
It's likely at least a handful of your followers live nearby. And, luckily for you, they probably care about you and your lost cat a lot more than strangers. Make use of Instagram and Facebook stories to spread the word and keep followers updated.
5 Reasons why cats disappear without a trace
No matter how loved and safe your kitty feels, they are naturally curious creatures. But is there any way you can prevent such behavior? Well, let's take a look at some reasons why your cat has disappeared without a trace and dive into some helpful preventative measures.
1. Your cat may be in heat
If you own an unspayed female cat, they may be in heat. This means they will wander far to find other cats to mate with.
Solution: Keep windows and doors shut during your cat's cycle to prevent them from leaving. This will also stop their scent from attracting other cats in the area.
2. You have recently moved house
Moving house is one of the most stressful things a human can do. Unsurprisingly, it's the same for most cats. Cats are territorial animals who mark their home with their scent. When they are suddenly removed from this, it can cause stress, anxiety, and disorientation. Consequently, this can lead to their behavior changing and seeking a new home.
Solution: Keep your cats indoors for at least 2 weeks after you have moved. This will help them adjust to their new surroundings and view the new environment as their home. Ideally, in the first few days to a week, you will also keep them confined to one room.
3. Your cat is hurt or sick
Cats instinctually hide when they are hurt or sick to avoid being vulnerable to predators. This is why cats often disappear before they pass away.
Solution: Keep an eye on your cat's behavior. If they are prone to cat fights be sure to take action early before they become seriously injured. Check out PDSA's guide on how to prevent your cats from fighting.
4. They are being fed by other people
Unfortunately, it's common for a fellow cat lover to try and adopt a neighbor's pet if they frequent their house. According to the Cat's Protection Report of 2022, 21% of missing cats are found by the owner's neighbors, and another report claims that 53% of Brits admit to feeding a cat that appears in their garden.
Solution: Collars and tags are a great way of indicating to neighbors that the cat is a pet and not a stray. However, if this still doesn't deter people from feeding your furry friend then it is worth posting on social media group chats to remind them not to encourage cats into houses. You can also engrave a brief message on their collars.
5. New pets in their environment
A new pet is a huge disruption to a cat's environment. It can cause fear, anxiety, and territorial issues. Ultimately, this can all lead to your beloved pet deciding to up sticks.
Solution: Before deciding on getting another pet, do your research and consider your cat's personality. Do they love your attention? Have they ever lived with another pet before? How do they cope with change? If you decide to do it, introduce the new pet slowly.
How likely is it that I will find my cat?
68%% of lost cats get found. So, statistically, you should find your cat again.
Can cats find their way home?
Cats can find their way home because they have a fantastic sense of direction and can locate their home after weeks, months, or even years. If you have recently moved house, cats may struggle to locate the new home and try to return to their old house. To prevent this, keep your cat indoors for at least 2 weeks after moving.
How often do cats disappear?
Three cats a seconddisappear in the UK alone, so it's very common for your kitty to disappear.
My cat disappeared in the house, what should I do?
If your cat disappeared in the house, follow these steps:
Open all doors to bedrooms, cupboards, wardrobes, and drawers
Move your furniture to eliminate hiding places
Check for wall cavities and holes[[/faq-answer]]
My cat disappeared outside, what should I do?
If your cat has disappeared outside, follow these steps:
Search everywhere near your home including bins, sheds, hedges, under cars, and up trees
Ask your neighbors to help with the search
Contact local animal shelters[[/faq-answer]]
Why has my pregnant cat disappeared?
The reason pregnant cats may disappear is to find somewhere safe and sheltered to give birth to their kittens. It's incredibly important that you find your cat as soon as possible to ensure its safety. Check out our complete guide to finding your pregnant cat for more information.
The stray cat disappeared, what should I do?
If a stray cat suddenly disappears, it's possible the stray you have bonded with has moved on to its next home. Cats have been known to travel up to 32 miles in a day and strays are more likely to be adventurers.
So, if your cat disappeared without a trace, don't think the worst. There are so many ways to make sure you are reunited with your loved one as soon as possible. The most important thing to remember is to be proactive, logical, and calm.
Statistically, you are likely to find your cat, even when they have disappeared without a trace. If you want to increase your chances of reuniting with your best buddy, start a PetRadar search.
This means you can customize a digital missing cat poster and choose the radius of the neighbors you want to reach. Once it goes live, the poster will be shown to your neighbors through sponsored advertisements on Instagram and Facebook. We'll then manage any sightings that are reported and support you through the process.
If you're not yet convinced, head over to our home page to see our rave reviews and happy cats.
"The most important thing to remember is to be proactive, logical, and calm."
Written by
Lauren Jeffries
In this blog, I combine my two areas of expertise: pets and writing. I share my personal experiences alongside plenty of animal behavior research to help owners look after their pets. I have always lived with furry friends and am now a loving cat mum to two orange kitties.